Aquatower under the stars - 2021-08-28
28 Aug 2021
Aquatower under the stars

General information
28 Aug 2021
17:00 - 23:00
Join the Amateur Astronomers Association Letzebuerg for an exciting evening with, among other things, an observation of the sun followed by stargazing.The event programme:
From 05:00 pm: Sun observation*
06:00 pm: Guided tour of the Aquatower (LU/DE)**
07:15 pm: Astronomy stories for children aged 3-8 (LU/FR)**
08:30 pm: Open air lecture "Walk through the solar system" (LU)*/**
From 09:00 pm: Stargazing*
Saturn and Jupiter are easy to observe that evening.
* Programme according to weather conditions
** Registration is compulsory by or by phone (+352 26 78 4005).
A drinks and barbecue stand will be available throughout the evening.
The Aquatower is open until 10:00 pm!